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Osteopaths are part of the wider primary healthcare system and are proficient in assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing a wide range of health problems.



Commonly known for treating back and neck pain, Osteopaths can also diagnose and treat a range of joint pains including shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand pain, as well as, hip, knee foot and ankle pain.


Postural problems and changes as a result of work strains, driving, sporting injuries or due to arthritic pain can also benefit from Osteopathic treatment. Patients have also found osteopathy helpful for conditions such as digestive issues, circulatory problems, neuralgia and problems sleeping, along with many other symptoms.


Osteopathic patients range from the young to the old, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women, children and sporting professionals.


Whilst osteopathy can treat a wide range of symptoms, they are also trained to check for signs of serious conditions that they cannot treat and can refer you back to your GP or hospital for further investigations and treatment.


If you would like to find out more, we will be happy to talk to you about your health and how you may benefit from Osteopathic treatment, please contact us or use the form below and we will contact you.

Osteopathy //

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